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Improve your painting skills with the help of one of our expert tutors

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5 /5

Tutors with an average rating of 5 and over 2,336 reviews.

12 £/h

The best prices: 95% of tutors offer their first lesson free and the average lesson cost is £12/hr

4 h

Fast as lightning! Our tutors usually respond in under 4hrs

Finding painting classes is simple with Superprof

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💰What is the average price of painting lessons?

The average price of painting lessons is £12.

The price of your lessons depends on a number of factors

  • The experience of your art teacher
  • The location of your lessons (at home, online, or an outside location)
  • the duration and frequency of your lessons

97% of teachers offer their first lesson for free.

Find a painting teacher near you.

🖼 Can you learn to paint online?

On Superprof, many of our Painting tutors offer online tuition. To find online courses, just select the webcam filter in the search bar to see the available tutors offering online options in your desired subject. 

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🎨 How many tutors are available to give painting lessons?

12,005 tutors are currently available to give Painting lessons near you. 

You can browse the different tutor profiles to find one that suits you best.

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👩‍🎨 How are our painting teachers rated?

From a sample of 2,336 tutors, students rated their private tutors 5 out 5.

If you have any issues or questions, our customer service team is available to help you.

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Do you want to learn to paint?

You'll have so many talented painting teachers to choose from!

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Essential information about your Painting classes

✅ Average price:£12/h
✅ Average response time:4h
✅ Tutors available:12,005
✅ Lesson format:Face-to-face or online

Master your favourite painting techniques with Superprof

Grab Your Brushes

Have you tried all the online tutorials for learning how to paint?

If you don’t feel like going to an art school, you could always enlist the help of a private tutor. An accomplished artist could show you the ropes and help you develop your own style. Whether you want to do oil painting, calligraphy, or just say “I know how to paint”, there are plenty of options for aspiring artists.

Learning to Draw or Paint with Tutorials

Drawing, oil painting, etc., all require talent. There was always someone at school who could just instinctively draw a person or landscape. Someone who had limitless creativity and talent and didn’t need to take art lessons.

They were just good at recreating something on a sheet of paper. They had the gift of painting or drawing. Those who don’t have this innate talent can still learn how to draw or paint. If you want to do oil painting, inks, acrylics, watercolours, etc., you just need to learn how to draw or paint from a private tutor.

Even if you don’t think you have talent, you can still learn. There are techniques and rules you can learn to help you to improve your drawing and painting and get the most out of a brush, pencil, or even your fingers. That’s not everything, though. You’ll need to learn about perspective, shadows and lighting, etc.

If you want to learn to draw or paint, you'll need to learn about a lot of concepts. It's not just about your creativity. Even if you'll need the imagination to reproduce your thoughts onto a blank sheet of paper, you'll need to know painting techniques to accurately reproduce them. Rather than going to an art school or painting class, consider hiring a private tutor.

They’ll come to your house and provide you with tailored lessons. You’ll learn more quickly as a result.

Painting Lessons for Adults and Children

Painting isn't just for those attending a fancy art school. You can get inspiration from an art gallery or looking through sketchbooks. The best way, of course, is to get lessons from a private tutor on Superprof or by attending painting lessons. This is true for both adults and children. When it comes to children's painting tutorials, they'll focus on discovering art. Children need to be engaged when it comes to painting so they won't be moving straight onto still lifes or abstract painting. The private tutor will focus on painting things that will keep their students interested. They might be drawing characters from their favourite comics, for example. This is a great way to get kids hooked on painting or drawing.

What better way to learn about anatomical drawing, faces, etc.? Of course, the tutor will gradually introduce fundamental painting techniques, perspective, light and shadow.

Even Vincent Van Gogh had to start somewhere. There are plenty of ways to do this: painting a face, the countryside, etc. Start with something simple like a house, tree, or landscape. As you get better, you can work on transparency, creating abstract pieces, and move onto other mediums.

The goal is to learn about different painting techniques, after all.

Painting Workshops with Art Tutors

Adult private art tutorials are a bit different. You mightn’t be drawing comic book characters, for one. The tutor may focus on techniques through still lifes, colour theory, or anatomy. Adult tutorials often take place in groups but if you’re really enthusiastic about progressing, you can always get a private tutor.

By visiting an art gallery or looking at the works of Pablo Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Igor Sakharov, John Beckley, Cézanne, and other greats, you’ll see just how complex painting and art history can be.  There are many aspects to drawing and painting. This is what you’ll learn about with your private tutor. In the end, you’ll have to choose your own path

This might be an oil painting, contemporary art, speed painting, portraits, etc. You may dream of living off your own painting in the future. Or maybe you're just learning for fun. Painting and drawing are both great ways to relax. Express your creativity and forget about deadlines, traffic, etc.!

Find a Painting Tutor Near You

Sitting down at your easel or a blank sheet of paper is also a way to disconnect. Let your brush, pencil, chalk, or palette knife do the talking.

You can create a character, a scene, a sunset, a still life, or a landscape through light, shadow, and colour.

Before you get there, you’ll need to learn more about painting techniques. You can’t make it up as you go along. You should get in touch with a professional art teacher. Thanks to their teaching approaches, you’ll learn quickly. They’ll be able to help you to get the most out of your creativity.

There are hundreds of painting tutors on Superprof from all over the UK. This means anyone in the UK can learn how to paint. The average cost of a painting tutor in London is £27 per hour. You can also get sculpture tutorials.

Go Further with Painting Workshops

If you’ve already got a good idea of how to draw or paint and want to learn new techniques or get more advanced classes, our tutors are there for you.

As you’ll have understood, our tutors come from all walks of life and are happy to teach private tutorials, workshops, or group classes.

Whether you want to learn with poster paints, watercolours, or master a specific medium, painting is also a great way to relax.

If you’re a multi-talented artist, don’t hesitate to complement your painting tutorials with art history tutorials or other art classes.

What do you want to learn?