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The Perfect Match

Over one million students have given a 5 star review to their tutor

  • Syeda

    Maths tutor

    Excellent tutor! Syeda is an amazing, flexible, and quite a patient tutor with the students and uses effective teaching methods. We are so grateful to find you Syeda. Thank you!


  • Chloe

    Support for students with autism tutor

    Chloe has been amazing with my son in his tutoring sessions. She has a fantastic ability to bond and build trust really quickly. My son loves her and wants to go home with her at the end of a session. She is child led and is able to adapter very quickly to my son’s needs. He enjoys his sessions and she makes learning fun. I would 100% recommend Chloe as a tutor she relates well to children and is able to offer support to parents to support their child in their learning.


  • Joy

    Physical education tutor

    Joy is a superb tutor, she is empathetic and designs her lessons around the specific needs of the learner. Not only has she grown my daughter's knowledge and helped show her what examiners want to see, she has also given her a positive mindset to achieve her goals. 5 stars!


  • Andreas

    Philosophy tutor

    Andreas is an excellent politics a level tutor. His explanations are very clear and engaging . He’s very methodical and patient. In a short space of time, I feel I’ve gained confidence


  • Lucia

    Piano tutor

    Lucia is a natural and great teaching my 4 year old daughter piano. She has a trick for every situation and manages to keep her interested and involved. She is patient, versatile and kind and we can't wait to make more progress in time. Highly recommended


  • Elise

    French tutor

    Very friendly and happy to pick a lesson style to suit me


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