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Over one million students have given a 5 star review to their tutor

  • Enrique

    Bass guitar tutor

    Enrique is a very very nice tutor, very patient. He has a lot of knowledge and skills about music. We had a really fun class and I learned a lot. If you wanna learn Bass he is the best.


  • Ruth

    Fashion design tutor

    Ruth was really interested and happy to help me with ideas and things with which I've been struggling! I'm looking forward to getting going and reporting back for my next session. Thank you, Ruth


  • Ollie

    Japanese tutor

    I am having a fantastic time learning Japanese with Ollie! Each lesson is a really well balanced mix of reading, writing, listening and speaking which helps solidify all the new words, phrases and topics covered during the lessons. As a teacher, Ollie is very kind and patient - it is also evident that he really enjoys teaching the subject and getting to know the learning style of his students! I’ve immensely enjoyed learning Japanese with Ollie and am really happy with my progress so far - I’m looking forward to continuing my Japanese language journey! ありがとう ございますよ!


  • Benedict

    Violin tutor

    My 11 year old daughter has been taking the lessons with Benedict for almost 2 months. I am really surprised to see her progress within such a short period of time. Benedict can always quickly identify her problem and suggest a simple and practical solution for her to improve. He is very patient but is also able to challenge his student consistently in order to ensure continuous progress. I have observed my daughter's confidence and interest towards violin growing significantly over the last two months. I highly recommend Benedict as a tutor for children.


  • Jumoke

    Maths tutor

    Jumoke gives the best lessons for a student and can give a student to gain more knowledge and understanding towards a particular subject which made my daughter confident towards her exams. She is amazing at her work and is a kind and patient teacher to be with.


  • Tamara

    English tutor

    A lovely person, tutor and a great communicator...excellent in both Maths and English. My daughter loves their sessions together!

    Steve M

a teacher giving a lesson

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