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The Perfect Match

Over one million students have given a 5 star review to their tutor

  • Sam

    English tutor

    Sam is an amazing tutor! He is very knowledgeable and organised and always comes into the lesson well-prepared. He is very attentive and puts a lot of care and attention into each individual student. He is also a very passionate and fun tutor and his love for writing and literature often inspires our students. They enjoy his lessons and are looking forward to his next lesson.


  • Ollie

    Maths tutor

    Receiving tutoring from Ollie has been nothing, but a pleasure! Ollie made me fall in love with the concept of online lessons, and he truly changed my perception on them. Not only did he make the IGCSE Math curriculum look so simple with his amazing explaining skills, he was also eager to learn about me and the person that I am, which made me bond with him even more. Ollie is truly a kind hearted man; he was very emotionally supportive, and I will never forget our lessons as they were truly a great experience. - Kamran


  • Kirsty

    Social work tutor

    Kirsty is very honest and an excellent Social Worker who understand very well the Scottish context. She makes you understand very much the understanding of and applications of the theories, policies and legal frameworks as well as the interventions into best practice


  • Yeohyeon

    Singing teacher

    Very friendly & patient and explained all the background to the warm ups. It was fun, as a lesson for a beginner should be.


  • Rossella

    Italian tutor

    Rossella is an excellent Italian tutor. She is very encouraging, supportive and knowledgable. Lessons are always fun and engaging so I look forward to them!


  • Bruno

    Singing teacher

    excellent singing coach, identified my needs quickly


a teacher giving a lesson

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